Monday, April 13, 2009
Pics from Burkina
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Back From Burkina
Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you all so much for your prayers and your encouraging words as I traveled to Burkina Faso for a short-term missions trip. It was a fantastic week!
Our Work and Experience

On a Personal Note…
Another very personally significant part of this trip for me, however, was in my struggle with the Lord. As we drove through hours upon hours of mud huts and hot dusty roads, with no break or clean skyscraper to break the landscape, I felt the Lord asking me, “Stephanie, would you come here if I called?” I don’t believe that He was calling me yet, but I still did feel a bit like the rich young ruler, who Jesus said must sell all his possessions. The idea of living there seems scary, lonely, and isolated. I found myself once again resigning to the indisputable fact that if I follow the Lord’s calling, wherever it is, He will be faithful to care for the details that seem so frightening to me.About Burkina
Other than its unusual name, many people may not know much about Burkina Faso, so here are a few quick facts:
· Burkina Faso is located North of Ghana (where I studied for a semester in college), in West Africa. It is part of the “Sahel,” the area between the Savannah and the Sahara.
· It is a formerly French-colonized nation.
· A UN report listed Burkina as the poorest country of the world.
· People of Burkina are called “Burkinabe” (pronounced Burkina-bay)
· 1 out of every 3 children born die before they reach age 10.
· The literacy rate in Burkina is currently only 15%.
Please remember to pray for Burkina Faso and the growing church there.
I hope that you all are having a wonderful Easter weekend. Spring is in full bloom here in the Black Forest, and I hope that you are enjoying it as well wherever you are.
Love and Blessings,